Power Level 1-60 in 2 Weeks
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Power Level 1-60 in 2 Weeks - 11/15/2012 1:40:49 AM
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Joined: 11/15/2012 Status: offline
It's the method, electric dock Levellers used since the closed beta and I finally got one of them to give it up. It is not at all the way to go if you want to maximize your gaming experience that this method will work around almost all of the content in the game and essentially ignore a lot of fun, the unique aspects of WoW. It is not recommended for new players and is intended for players who have already experienced the contents and you just want to level up an alt to play with their level 60 friends. As a reference to the way in which you have been successful with that, download cosmos and use the clock function to measure your xp / hour. At level 50, you should get about 40,000 + / hour. Before starting, I have to ask the question, is it really possible to level to 60 in 2 weeks? Yes, it is, even though its a new server on the average time to play experienced farmers takes about 9 days / read about. The current world record is 4 days 20 hours / played, everything is made by one person who goes by the name of the character Joana, this guy has won many leveling competitions, even the first contest of leveling to 50 inmates by Blizzard back in March, here is a pic of the riders once he hit 50. This guy is amazing. He also sells an upgrade guide and a full 1-60 video showing its exact operation of 4 days 20 hours / played time on his website here. Now, the Guide... Newbie lands, stick to favourable areas. Just grind. Quests are a waste of time until level 20, if you focus on maxing out xp per hour. Wetlands and birds of prey quests / mud / orcs for grinding. Redridge mountains-Lake quests quests.Duskwood and undead for grinding. Roamers creature of Hillsbrad for grinding. Have these in one day on Hillsbrad Daggerspines right next to Southshore along the coast. Spawn huge, very fast respawn rate, easy to kill monsters. Purging island also a place isolated you can grind undead. Hillsbrad foothills quests South shore. Quests Desolace and kodo grinding for 36-38, then dead pests in southeastern 38-40. Cresting exiled in the circle of the external binding of Arathi also for 37-41; very easy mobs with a fast respawn. Ogres of Alterac 35 to 40 for grinding. Kobolds Drywhisker in Arathi is HammerFall for 36-39 for grinding. Trolls hinterland, the beasts and wolves OWL, of rectification and quests. Badlands ogres, gnolls, and quests. Tanaris quests and pirates on the Eastern panínsula for grinding. Stranglethorn Vale quests Valley. Greater elementals Badlands for grinding. Felwood gnolls dead wood for the grinding and quests of the sanctuary in the South. Blasted dreadmauls land for grinding. Crater ' Goro, mainly for quests and grinding plants and the elementals of tar. Highbornes undead Azshara and hyppogriffs thunderhead for grinding. Blood of Azshara for grinding Elves. Burning Steppes caves ogre brulentrailles ogres grinding rock Cognepeurs. Felwood Arbrefer wood and a cellar for crushing. Western Plaguelands for quests dawn silver and rectification on the undead through the various camps. Plaguelands quests of the sanctuary, is grinding on the undead in the destroyed cities. Winter Winterfall village or Lake of the dead Kel highbornes milling ' Kel'theril. BlackRock stronghold in the Burning Steppes for grinding. The winter yeti cave, everlook Southeast due to. Ogres compound Grosh Gok in deadwind pass. The Vale Eastern Plaguelands dead fungal milling and agriculture dawn silver token. Moonowls in the North - winter for grinding.
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RE: Power Level 1-60 in 2 Weeks - 8/2/2013 8:38:20 PM
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While proudly showing off his new apartment to friends, a college student led the way into the den. "What is the big brass gong and hammer for?" one of his friends asked. "That is the talking clock," the man replied. "How's it work?""Watch," the man said and proceeded to give the gong an ear shattering pound with the hammer. Suddenly, someone screamed from the other side of the wall, "Knock it off, you idiot! It's two o'clock in the morning!"
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[Deleted] - 8/3/2013 2:11:54 AM
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RE: [Deleted] - 9/17/2013 11:20:12 PM
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That is the fastest speed I have ever seen. How could you level up so fast? It would be best if you can guide me. -------------------- gw2 gold
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